Sheriff Sales

Mortgage Foreclosure Sales ie; Sheriff Sales are held at the request of an attorney representing a client (Lien Holder) who has a financial interest in a particular piece of real property, These sales are held by Orders of the Court and take place on the first floor of the Sumner County Courthouse at 1:30 PM on Fridays.

Notice of sales are advertised in the local newspapers giving the exact date & times and legal description of the property being sold. The Sheriff’s Office does not have a listing of properties to be sold. Check these publications: Legal Record of Sumner County is the Wellington Daily News. The public is invited to all sales held and anyone may bid. Sales will be awarded to the highest successful bidder. The funds must be paid by the successful bidder, at the time of the sale. Funds must be cash or certified funds. No personal checks or money orders accepted. All taxes owed on the property are due at time of sale. There is a 60 to 90 day redemption period where the original owner can redeem the property, meaning, the successful bidder will not receive deed to or possession of the property during that time and that if redeemed their money will be returned my the District Court.