(Number of Inmates: 51 )
Finch, Taylor Douglas
Booking Number: B24000000410
Charges: Serving Sentence
Bond: 0
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20240618 15:22
Age: 36, Sex: M, Race: W
Charges: Serving Sentence
Bond: 0
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20240618 15:22
Age: 36, Sex: M, Race: W
Francis, Caitlyn Rhea
Booking Number: B24000000384
Charges: 22-3716 Probation Violation: STAT (Serving Sentence)
Bond: 0
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20240606 12:31
Age: 28, Sex: F, Race: W
Charges: 22-3716 Probation Violation: STAT (Serving Sentence)
Bond: 0
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20240606 12:31
Age: 28, Sex: F, Race: W
Grable, Patrick Steven
Booking Number: B24000000508
Charges: 22-3716 Probation Violation: STAT|21-5801(a)(1)(b3) Theft of property or services.
Value $1500 to $25000: STAT
Bond: 45000
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20240805 04:16
Age: 46, Sex: M, Race: W
Charges: 22-3716 Probation Violation: STAT|21-5801(a)(1)(b3) Theft of property or services.
Value $1500 to $25000: STAT
Bond: 45000
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20240805 04:16
Age: 46, Sex: M, Race: W
Hibbs, Deric Chance
Booking Number: B24000000566
Charges: 21-5915(a) Failure to appear: STAT|21-5915(a) Failure to appear: STAT
Bond: 50000
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20240829 18:08
Age: 34, Sex: M, Race: W
Charges: 21-5915(a) Failure to appear: STAT|21-5915(a) Failure to appear: STAT
Bond: 50000
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20240829 18:08
Age: 34, Sex: M, Race: W
Hill, Crystal Dawn
Booking Number: B24000000581
Charges: 21-5915(a) Failure to appear: STAT|21-5915(a) Failure to appear: STAT
Bond: 75000
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20240904 13:22
Age: 38, Sex: F, Race: W
Charges: 21-5915(a) Failure to appear: STAT|21-5915(a) Failure to appear: STAT
Bond: 75000
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20240904 13:22
Age: 38, Sex: F, Race: W
Holdaway, Mathew Monroe
Booking Number: B23000000866
Charges: Serving Sentence (1 Year)
Bond: 0
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20230929 11:55
Age: 21, Sex: M, Race: W
Charges: Serving Sentence (1 Year)
Bond: 0
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20230929 11:55
Age: 21, Sex: M, Race: W
Houghtaling, Colene Lavoice
Booking Number: B24000000550
Charges: 21-5904 Interference with LEO.
unknown circumstance.
felony: STAT
Bond: 20000
Arresting Agency: Kansas Highway Patrol
Date: 20240822 15:49
Age: 34, Sex: F, Race: W
Charges: 21-5904 Interference with LEO.
unknown circumstance.
felony: STAT
Bond: 20000
Arresting Agency: Kansas Highway Patrol
Date: 20240822 15:49
Age: 34, Sex: F, Race: W
Huggins, Mykeia Lashell
Booking Number: B24000000345
Charges: 22-3716 Probation Violation: STAT ( Serving Sentence)|21-5801(a)(1)(b6) Theft of property or services.
< $1500 w/2 or more conv w/in 5 yrs: STAT
Bond: 10000
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20240523 16:36
Age: 28, Sex: F, Race: B
Charges: 22-3716 Probation Violation: STAT ( Serving Sentence)|21-5801(a)(1)(b6) Theft of property or services.
< $1500 w/2 or more conv w/in 5 yrs: STAT
Bond: 10000
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20240523 16:36
Age: 28, Sex: F, Race: B
Kimzey, Robert John
Booking Number: B24000000580
Charges: 22-3716 Probation Violation: STAT|22-3716 Probation Violation: STAT|22-3716 Probation Violation: STAT|21-5915(a) Failure to appear: STAT
Bond: 0
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20240904 12:39
Age: 30, Sex: M, Race: W
Charges: 22-3716 Probation Violation: STAT|22-3716 Probation Violation: STAT|22-3716 Probation Violation: STAT|21-5915(a) Failure to appear: STAT
Bond: 0
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20240904 12:39
Age: 30, Sex: M, Race: W
Lemaster, Branden James
Booking Number: B24000000551
Charges: 22-3716 Probation Violation: STAT (Serving Sentence)
Bond: 0
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20240823 12:24
Age: 30, Sex: M, Race: W
Charges: 22-3716 Probation Violation: STAT (Serving Sentence)
Bond: 0
Arresting Agency: Sumner County Sheriff
Date: 20240823 12:24
Age: 30, Sex: M, Race: W